History Adventures
in History
Slides from
about History.

History Presentations

The American Revolution was a time of significant hardship, risk, and sacrifice for colonists. This is one family's story, as told through the eyes of a small boy who lived through it with his mother and ten siblings while his father and his two oldest brothers went to war. His oldest brother was imprisoned by the British early in the conflict, but then released, after which he became a privateer, fighting the British Navy. His father and his second brother, joined George Washington's Continental Army.

During his father's absence, the British Redcoats attacked the small village in which he lived, burning his sister's new home and mill to the ground and taking he father-in-law captive. The Redcoats caused considerable damage before being driven off by Minutemen his uncle.

Everything discussed her is taken from original records and firsthand accounts of what occurred. This is the Revolutionary War, Up Close and Personal.


We all know about the Pilgrims and the First Thanksgiving, but do we REALLY know what happened? Who were these people? Where did they come from? Why did they immigrate? Why did they settle in Plymouth? Whose land did they settle on and were they friendly with the natives? What happened to them, and to Plymouth Colony?

In this presentation we will answer all these questions and more. The answers may surprise you. We will also meet all the Pilgrims and those that came with them by name, and learn who survived and who did not.

Everything discussed her is taken from original records and firsthand accounts of what occurred. Come, let's Meet the Pilgrims.

Classes <

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